Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Yahweh's Protection for His People (Psalm 23:4)

1Yhwh is my shepherd…4Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

David sings of and to his heavenly Shepherd.  He rests and trusts in the care and provision of Yahweh towards him (verses 1-3).  He now turns his attention towards thoughts of Yahweh’s protection. 

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

David knew what it was like to go through difficult times- the ‘valley of deep darkness’ (or ‘shadow of death’).  Yet David knew also that he never walked alone through these ‘valleys’; Yahweh was always with him.  And no matter how dark it seemed David was confident to come through the valley. 

I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Although faced with evil and danger, David knew he had no cause to fear these forces for he knew Yahweh’s rod was present to defend.  David did not need to fear becoming lost, for Yahweh’s staff was present to guide.  Likely both these terms are referring to the single shepherd’s crook.  The shepherd would use the long straight ‘rod’ to fight off wild animals or thieves while he would use the hooked ‘staff’ to guide his sheep, keep them on the path and pull them out of dangerous places.  Together, they brought David comfort.  Yahweh the Shepherd was with David in every situation of life.

Sometimes it happens that I find myself in places, dark and frightening places, places I’d rather not be.  How did I get here if my Shepherd is supposed to be leading me in “the paths of righteousness”?  Perhaps I wandered off the path through my own sin or stubbornness; or perhaps—and  maybe we don’t consider this enough—perhaps God has led me there as part of His good and right Way; leading me there “for His Name’s sake”, because even these dark places are part of my ultimate journey of Faith—they have a purpose in my life. 

I am encouraged to know that these places dark places of life are not the final destination; I am going through them, which means I will come out on the other side.  I am not sure how long it will take to get through, but I must trust that I will come out. 
I know there is no cause for fear because my Shepherd goes into the valley with me.  I am not alone or abandoned; His presence is with me and I can call upon Him in the valley—note how David addresses Yahweh directly, “You are with me…”

God’s protection and care are always present for his people.  How much this Psalm still resonates as a source of comfort to the believer today! 

Be blessed!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Yahweh’s Provision for His People (Psalm 23:1-3)

1Yhwh is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.  2He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, 3He restores my soul.  He guides me in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake.

What an earthly shepherd does for his sheep, David understands that Yahweh, the Great Heavenly Shepherd, does for His human ‘flock’. 

I shall not be in want: Yahweh provides for all the needs of His sheep

He makes me lie down in green pastures: Yahweh brings His sheep to places of safety and plenty.  Sheep do not ordinarily lie down in the open field.  They must be completely convinced of their safety. 

He leads me beside quiet waters: Yahweh leads His sheep in places of peace and rest. Sheep do not like fast running water.  God leads to quiet places where the sheep can be refreshed without fear. 

He restores my soul: Yahweh takes care to refresh and strengthen His sheep; tending their hurts, physically, emotionally and spiritually (see Isaiah 40:11 for another great passage about the Divine Shepherd’s care).

He guides me in paths of righteousness: Yahweh sets His sheep on solid footing; ways that are sure and true; ways in which they will not stumble (see Psalm 94:18); these ‘paths of righteousness’ are the ways that honor God most fully. 

for His Name's sake: Yahweh does all this that He may be known and celebrated as the Great Shepherd; that His sheep will honor Him; that His Name will be given the respect and glory so well deserved.

We must notice in all these acts that it is the Lord Who takes the initiative.  Yahweh IS; He makes; He leads; He restores; He guides.  Sheep have limited capacity to do for themselves, except perhaps to get into trouble (see Isaiah 53:6).  If sheep resist the shepherd and choose their own way, they cannot be sure of safety or peace (see John 10:1-13; Revelation 7:17).  Therefore it is the duty of the shepherd to do for the sheep all that is for their welfare. 

I am a ‘sheep’; the Lord, my Shepherd, does for me all which is necessary for my security, health, well being, etc; not chiefly for my honor, but for His own Name- that He will be given glory as the Great Shepherd.  Therefore I must stay close to my Shepherd or I risk wandering away from the good paths which bring me what is best and give the honor to the Shepherd.

Are you near the Shepherd today?

Friday, February 16, 2018

Yahweh My Shepherd (Psalm 23:1)

YHWH is my shepherd

David, the shepherd, sings of Yahweh, the Great Shepherd.  Everything David knew of Yahweh could be described in shepherding terms; His care and compassion, His provisions, His protection, His guidance and correction.  But David moves deeper, beyond shepherds and sheep, to a relationship and intimate fellowship, and a blessing that continues through, and beyond this life.

Consider this opening phrase, how it sets the tone.

Yahweh: the Lord; the God of the Covenant with Israel.  This is the One of Whom the Psalm speaks.  It is not a distant, unknown or unknowable god, but the Living and Ever Present Yahweh.

Yahweh is: the role of the Lord is a present reality.  It does not wait for a ‘someday’, nor is it something past; it is a ‘now’ thing.

Yahweh is my: the present reality of the Lord is also a personal reality.  What the Lord is, He is to me personally; not abstract or idealized.

Yahweh is my Shepherd: this is Who and What the Lord is to and for me.  As stated, all that a shepherd does for his sheep, so Yahweh does for me- all this and incredibly more!

The entire Psalm rests on this foundation.  If the Lord, Yahweh, is not my Shepherd, if I do not have a relationship of faith with Him, which we know to be through His provision of Christ, then nothing else in the Psalm is possible for or available to me.  Is He your Shepherd?  Have you come to Him by faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus for your forgiveness?  If not, any time you may recite this Psalm, you are speaking in vain.  Know Jesus, Who is Himself the embodiment of the Shepherd (John 10:11, 14 Hebrews 13:20; 1 Peter 2:25, 5:4; Revelation 7:17).