Friday, February 16, 2018

Yahweh My Shepherd (Psalm 23:1)

YHWH is my shepherd

David, the shepherd, sings of Yahweh, the Great Shepherd.  Everything David knew of Yahweh could be described in shepherding terms; His care and compassion, His provisions, His protection, His guidance and correction.  But David moves deeper, beyond shepherds and sheep, to a relationship and intimate fellowship, and a blessing that continues through, and beyond this life.

Consider this opening phrase, how it sets the tone.

Yahweh: the Lord; the God of the Covenant with Israel.  This is the One of Whom the Psalm speaks.  It is not a distant, unknown or unknowable god, but the Living and Ever Present Yahweh.

Yahweh is: the role of the Lord is a present reality.  It does not wait for a ‘someday’, nor is it something past; it is a ‘now’ thing.

Yahweh is my: the present reality of the Lord is also a personal reality.  What the Lord is, He is to me personally; not abstract or idealized.

Yahweh is my Shepherd: this is Who and What the Lord is to and for me.  As stated, all that a shepherd does for his sheep, so Yahweh does for me- all this and incredibly more!

The entire Psalm rests on this foundation.  If the Lord, Yahweh, is not my Shepherd, if I do not have a relationship of faith with Him, which we know to be through His provision of Christ, then nothing else in the Psalm is possible for or available to me.  Is He your Shepherd?  Have you come to Him by faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus for your forgiveness?  If not, any time you may recite this Psalm, you are speaking in vain.  Know Jesus, Who is Himself the embodiment of the Shepherd (John 10:11, 14 Hebrews 13:20; 1 Peter 2:25, 5:4; Revelation 7:17).

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